Wednesday, December 15, 2010
End of a great year
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Our Garden
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Camp Prep
Make sure you all have got the following:
For Camp |
□ Packed lunch for Day One | □ Drink bottle |
□ Scroggin / Energy snacks | □ Camp book & pencil case |
□ Waterproof jacket / Parka | □ Woollen hat |
□ 2 pairs longs (1 pair track pants) | □ 2 pairs shorts |
□ T-shirts (4-5) | □ Bush shirt / Polar fleece / Wool jersey (2) |
□ Underwear (at least one per day) □ Thermals – Merino/Polypropylene undergarments | □ Socks (at least one pair per day + warm, thick pair for at night) □ Toiletries |
□ 2 towels | □ 4 pegs to hang up wet clothes |
□ Sunhat / Sun block | □ Swimming togs |
□ Sleeping bag, pillow case | □ Torch |
□ PJ’s / Nightie | □ Insect repellent, band aids |
□ Backpack (day pack size) | □ Bags for dirty clothes (rubbish bag) |
□ 2 tea towels | □ Toilet roll |
□ Named knife, fork, spoon, mug, plate, & bowl. | |
□ Book / Cards – for indoor activity and quiet time. | |
□ 2 pairs suitable footwear for around camp & walking – Old shoes for wearing in water. |
Image Poem

The snow is thick,
On the footpath below
My beautiful house in Vienna
I sit on my bed,
And watch the wind blow
My beautiful house in Vienna
The park across the road,
Has a blanket of snow
Witch will soon melt away to let the grass grow
My beautiful house in Vienna
By Grace Burt
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Olivia in America!
Have a look at what she is getting up to!
It is really fun in America. Today I went to Gatorland and I saw loads of alligators.I got to hold one baby gator, two snakes and I got to sit on a huge gator called Jess. Also at Gatorland there was a bird aviary with heaps of budgiesand they just all fly up to you in a big swarm and sit on your head, arms, feet or anything that they can stand on.
I just received another email from the Nasa with a picture of someone as I was writing this post!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Report Writing
We used the computers to research for the information. We wrote a paragraph about our assigned topic. We collated the information on the Google Doc. This is what we came up with!
The African elephant is the largest land Animal in the world.Its scientific name is Loxodonta Africana.
The African female elephant has slender Tusks and a pointed forehead. Male elephants are bigger than the female elephants. Male elephants have thicker tusks male elephants have a slanted forehead. Their grey hairy skin is often covered with mud to protect them from the sun. Huge floppy ears are coincidentally shaped similar to the continent they live on, Africa.
African elephants primarily live in savannas, woodlands, mountains and desert areas; however they prefer thick moist tropical forests. Clean water and plentiful vegetation are the major requirements for their habitat selection. African elephants are indigenous to Africa with the vast majority of populations, residing in conservation areas.A wide temperature range from freezing to 48.88Celsius is tolerated by the elephants as long as water and shade are available.Elephants are not dependent upon other species for survival.
Elephants consume about 5% of their body weight and drink 30-50 gallons of water per day. Young elephants must learn how to drink water up their trunks and pour it in their mouths. They eat a big variety of vegetarian food including grass, leaves, fruit, twigs, bark and seed pods.
When mating, the male elephant stands up on his back legs and rides the female elephant from behind. He holds on to her with his front legs and have sex with her. The mating takes a few minutes. After mating, the two elephants spend time together touching each other with their trunks and even entwining each others trunks in an embrace. The two elephants may spend as much as two weeks together before the male leaves to live apart from the females again.
African Elephants don’t have any predators because they’re so big, but the calves are vulnerable to lions and crocodiles and sometimes to leopard and hyena attacks. Humans are the elephant's major predator. They hunt Elephants for meat, skin, bones, and tusks. Tourism and plantations attract sport hunters. Trophy hunting still happens today. The population of African Bush Elephants was halved during the 1980s. Scientists said that, if they didn’t protect elephants, they would be extinct by 1995.
The African elephant is endangered because of habitat loss. They have two worries, the lions eat them and humans hunt them for their tusks because their ivory tusk make great piano keys and jewelry.
Written by the whole of Rm 7.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
What constitutes abuse?
The debate got intense when we discussed whether smacking a small child to warn her not to touch the fire. We were given a whole lot of different scenarios and we had to decide what type of abuse it was. The categories were Sexual, Physical, Emotional, Neglect and Not Abuse. Some scenarios were being burnt with a cigarette, being grounded, using put downs, not taking a sick child to a doctor etc. Here are some photos of us doing this.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Keeping Ourself Safe
One problem was "Imagine your are walking through the subway at Porirua Station, a couple of older men are smoking and are looking at you funny, what could you do?" Some of the solutions we came up with were really good, like turning around and waiting for a group of people to walk with.
Here are some photos of us in the role plays.
Term 3
I personally had a great time on my break as I was lucky enough to go to Samoa. Listening to all the stories is sounds like a lot of people have had a great holiday too. Richard also spent time in the Islands, he traveled to Tonga and said he had a great time.
Our first week back involved a lot of sorting out. We have PAT tests, spelling tests, writing tests and maths tests coming out of our ears. Its fair to say that we all look foward to P.E time so we can run around and play dodgeball.
Training is in session for the Inter-class Dodgeball Tournament. We are planning our attacks with strategies and its becoming very intense. Watch this space, I hope to be able to say soon that we make it through the first round.
Remember don't be shy, leave us a comment and we are only one continent away from reaching our goal so if you know anyone in South America send them our link!
Mr V.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Soccer Triumph
Crunch time came, the last round. With two draws whoever won this round would make it through to the next stage. We played really well and ended up scoring the first goal. The rest of the game saw a lot of close calls from Room 10 attack but we held them off to win 1-0.
CONGRATULATIONS, what a cool class room 7 is!
We face our neighbours Room 8 in the next round next week!