Sunday, July 25, 2010

Keeping Ourself Safe

Today we listened to a variety of different scenarios where people in that scenario felt unsafe. Our task was to act out different solutions to the problems.
One problem was "Imagine your are walking through the subway at Porirua Station, a couple of older men are smoking and are looking at you funny, what could you do?" Some of the solutions we came up with were really good, like turning around and waiting for a group of people to walk with.
Here are some photos of us in the role plays.

Rhara, McKenzie and Lidiah dealing with the pressure of smoking. Tohu, Elis, Jordan Dominic dealing with what to do when there are big scary people smoking in the subway.

Term 3

Welcome back, sorry we haven't been blogging lately. We have all been on Holidays.
I personally had a great time on my break as I was lucky enough to go to Samoa. Listening to all the stories is sounds like a lot of people have had a great holiday too. Richard also spent time in the Islands, he traveled to Tonga and said he had a great time.

Our first week back involved a lot of sorting out. We have PAT tests, spelling tests, writing tests and maths tests coming out of our ears. Its fair to say that we all look foward to P.E time so we can run around and play dodgeball.

Training is in session for the Inter-class Dodgeball Tournament. We are planning our attacks with strategies and its becoming very intense. Watch this space, I hope to be able to say soon that we make it through the first round.

Remember don't be shy, leave us a comment and we are only one continent away from reaching our goal so if you know anyone in South America send them our link!

Mr V.